Learn Beginner Photography

Online Courses

Course Description:

This workshop introduces students to the basic functions of the most important settings in the cameras. They will learn certain important rules about photography that will enhance their photos. We also cover the manual mode of the camera. Students will learn what metering is and how it is used. An introduction look at using a fill card will be addressed as well. There will also be an introduction to several magazines and websites that are useful in helping to grow as a photographer. The idea of work flow will be introduced. This workshop is roughly 3 hours.

Student Learning Outcomes:

• Students will understand basic concepts of framing and natural light direction.

• Students will understand the EXTREME importance of work flow.

• Students will understand what Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, and ISO are and how to use them.

• Students will learn about using the flash and being able to adjust it.

• Students will learn how to deal with difficult lighting situations.

• Students will understand the basic concept of using the manual mode.

• Students will understand how to get a proper exposure using several camera operations.

• Students will understand how useful a fill card is.

• Students will understand the difference between shooting with ambient light and controlling light.

What you will need:


Don’t forget your SD or CF card and to charge your battery


A tripod is not necessary so it is recommended NOT to bring one.

Bring only a backpack with you if you must carry a bag.

(Purses and extra bags can be cumbersome when you are trying to shoot.)

Bring an extra battery if you have one. (not a necessity)

